Mystic Powers

The Shahi Ring

THE MYSTIC SHAHI RING is prepared with very powerful mystic powers and prayers; it is prepared for those people who want to change their lives. The kings of the past who used to wear this MYSTIC SHAHI RING were brave, successful, happy, healthy and protected from all kinds of dangers, magic diseases and were living a very luxurious life. People used to obey them nobody knows what was so special about them but I want to tell the people that they were just normal people but because they had this MYSTIC SHAHI RING which was prepared by the gurus of that time the world used to obey them and they were living a very successful life.

I want to help the people so that they can make full use of the MYSTIC SHAHI RING and change their future. Below is the list of few things for the people to know what the MYSTIC SHAHI RING can do. This MYSTIC SHAHI RING can do a lot of things but I am listing a few things.

It will protect the wearer of this ring from black magic, evil spirits, demons, evil eyes, witchcrafts, accidents, poisonous air and poisonous animals. It will protect the wearer of this ring from enemies, dangerous diseases and on the battlefield. It will cure all kinds of troubles of teeth, stomach, cold blood and malaria, it will cure all kinds of wounds and heal them. It brings good luck to the wearer.

It makes the weare rich and successful and brings good fortune, name, fame, good health honor and success in travels and journeys. Nobody will be able to destroy him. He will come to know about the coming dangers in his dreams. The wearer of this MYSTIC SHAHI RING will become rich like a king.

The cost of this MYSTIC SHAHI RING will be US $ 110 or pounds 100.

The Mystic Success Magic Ring

Success is something that is not easy. Everybody in this world want to be successful. People do whatever they can do to be successful like work a lot to be successful and try their best to be successful but they do not succeed they face failure and frustrations. The reason is that the stars are not in their favour. So now with the help of the SUCCESS RING you can change your life. After you wear the ring all the stars will be in your favour and success will be at your doorstep, all your dreams will come true one after the other.

The cost of this SUCCESS MYSTIC RING is US $70 or Pounds 60.

The Mystic Money Ring

THE MYSTIC MONEY RING is prepared with lot of powers so that once the person has this POWERFUL RING he will become very rich and successful. The person who has this POWERFUL RING will have money.

The cost of this MYSTIC MONEY RING will be US $80 or pounds 70.

The Miraculous Healing Ring

This MIRACULOUS HEALING RING is prepared with lot’s of healing powers. This RING cures all types of diseases and makes the person vital and strong. If there is any sickness or disease in the body it will be cured by the MIRACULOUS POWER of the MIRACULOUS HEALING RING.

The cost of this HEALING RING will be US $60 or Pounds 50.

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The Talisman To Resolve Fight Between Husband And Wife And Bring Peace And Happiness Among Family Members.

This TALISMAN is very powerful and resolves any fight or conflict between husband and wife.This TALISMAN also helps to resolve any conflict between family members and brings peace and happiness in the house.

The cost of this TALISMAN will be US $ 55 or pounds 45.

The Talisman For Disobedient Children

This TALISMAN is for the children who do not obey their parents.If your child does not listen to you or does not obey what you say, you do not have to worry.This TALISMAN makes the child to obey and listen.After using this TALISMAN whatever you say to your child, your child will listen to you and will follow whatever you will say.

The cost of this TALISMAN will be US $ 55 or pounds 45.

The Success Talisman

If you are going to loose your job or want any job or promotion or a higher post, then no need to worry the MYSTIC TALISMAN is so powerful that it will make you successful in any field of life.If students will wear this TALISMAN then they can pass any exam with good marks.If sportsman will wear this TALISMAN then they will win.If businessman will wear this TALISMAN then they will become very successful businessman.

The cost of this TALISMAN will be US $50 or Pounds 40.

The Emperor Talisman

This EMPEROR TALISMAN is the most supreme of all talismans .Whatever your problem will be it will be solved after you wear this TALISMAN, all your worries will come to an end.The wearer of this TALISMAN will be rich and successful.If anybody has done any evil magic on you that magic will be destroyed and you will be protectedYou will be protected from black magic, evil spirits, evil eyes, witchcrafts spells, demons, ghosts and nobody will be able to destroy you.You will be protected from accidents and gun shots.If sportsman wear this TALISMAN they will win and if students wear this TALISMAN they will pass in any exam with very good marks.

The cost of this TALISMAN will be US $100 or Pounds 90.

The Protection Talisman For Repelling Evil Spells

This TALISMAN is for protection from all sorts of magic.The wearer of this talisman will be protected from all sorts of black magic, evil eyes, evil spirits, witchcrafts, ghosts and demons.If anybody has done any agic on you, after you wear this powerful TALISMAN that magic will be destroyed and if any evil spirit is troubling you it will run away from you and will never come back.

The cost of this TALISMAN will be US $50 or Pounds 40.

The Mystic Talisman For Protection From Enemies

This TALISMAN is for those people who have got enemies.If you have this TALISMAN then the enemies will be destroyed and no one can harm you or destroy you.If anybody will think about doing any bad to you then supreme forces will take over him and he will forgot about doing bad to you and will start to respect you.The wearer of this TALISMAN will be protected from gunshots.

The cost of this TALISMAN will be US $50 or Pounds 40.

The Mystic Power For Brain

This POWER strengthens memory, cures brain diseases and makes the person intelligent.It is good for people who do lot of stress work.It helps to release tensions and makes the brain powerful, stress free and tension free.This MYSTIC POWER is also good for students.After using this power students will become very intelligent and obtain very good marks in exams.

The cost of this TALISMAN will be US $40 or Pounds 30.

The Mystic Talisman For Women

This MYSTIC TALISMAN protects pregnancy, prevents miscarriages and makes barren women have children.

The cost of this TALISMAN will be US $40 or Pounds 30.

The Talisman To Cure Digestion,heart Diseases And Blood Related Problems

The people who have digestion problems, ulcers, acidity and gastric problems now can cure all these problems with the help of this MYSTIC TALISMAN.Once you will wear this MYSTIC TALISMAN all your digestion problems will be cured.If you have got problems regarding blood like high blood pressure, low blood pressure and any other blood related problems including loss of blood will be cured.This MYSTIC TALISMAN also cured all types of heart disease.

The cost of this TALISMAN will be US $60 or Pounds 50.

The Mystic Talisman For Bad Dream

There are people who cannot sleep peacefully at night and have a lot of problems regarding sleep.There are people who get bad dreams, haunted or scary dreams or other sleeping problems.Once you have the MYSTIC POWER TALISMAN, which you have to keep under your pillow while sleeping, your sleeping problem will be solved, you will sleep very well and peacefully without having any problem or without having any type of haunted or scary dreams.

The cost of this TALISMAN will be US $50 or Pounds 40.

The Talisman For Dislocated Navel

This TALISMAN helps the person to bring back the navel to its original position if the navel has been dislocated due to any reason.

The cost of this TALISMAN will be US 60 or pounds 50.

The Talisman To Protect Pregnancy From Any Type Of Harm

This TALISMAN helps to protect the women who are pregnant from any kind of danger that can cause harm to the pregnancy of the women.

The cost of this TALISMAN will be US $60 or pounds 50.

The Talisman For Lost People /person

This TALISMAN is for the people or person who are lost since a long time or recently and are not able to be found.This TALISMAN helps to find the person who is lost.

The cost of this TALISMAN will be US $60 or pounds 50..

The Qaadri Talisman

The QAADRI TALISMAN is a very powerful TALISMAN and every work that is not haram (forbidden) the person using this TALISMAN will get success in that work.The QAADRI TALISMAN helps in healing diseases, protection from witchcrafts and the natural calamities.While going for any important work by keeping this TALISMAN the person wi;; get success in that work.The QAADRI TALISMAN is also helpful in protection of life, property, honour and dignity.

The cost of this TALISMAN will be US $110 or pounds 100..

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The Mystic Board For Haunted House

If there are any evil spirits in the house and are troubling you and other people in the house, do not be scared, after you will hang this powerful MYSTIC BOARD in your house the evil spirit will run from your house and will never come back. If anybody has done black magic on your house, then after hanging in this MYSTIC BOARD that magic will be destroyed and the house will be protected from all the evil magic and evil spirits.

The cost of this MYSTIC BOARD will be US $60 or Pounds 50.

The Mystic Board For Business Centres

This MYSTIC BOARD is for those people whose business is running in loss and no clients is coming and also for shops where no customers are coming. Once you will hang the MYSTIC BOARD which is prepared with mystic powers the clients and customers will be attracted towards your business and shop. The people will start to come. The MYSTIC BOARD has got a lot of power to attract people.

The cost of this HEALING RING will be US $55 or Pounds 45.

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Prayer With Rosary

The PRAYER with ROSARY is very powerful. When you will start to pray this prayer every day, you will become very successful and your life will be changed. These prayers are very powerful and when prayed with the powerful ROSARY you will see miracles happening in your life. All your problems will be solved and you will become very successful person. There will be success in all the things that you will do. When you will pray the prayer for protection you will be protected from all sorts of black magic, evil spirits and accidents. There are many diseases which are incurable and medical science cannot cure them but with the power of this PRAYER the disease will be cured and the person will be healed.

The cost of each PRAYER WITH ROSARY is US $55 or Pounds 45.

Below is the list of prayers. If you need any other prayer apart from the prayers listed below or want any other special prayer you can tell me, it will be prepared.

Prayer To Become Rich And Successful:

If a person has no money or has very less money and wants to become very rich and successful then he should pray this prayer. Once the person will start to pray this prayer he will start to become very rich and successful. Person who has no work will get a good work. If somebody wants promotion with the help of this prayer, he will get promotion. Students will pass with very good marks. Businessman will become very rich and successful businessman.

Prayer For Everything:

If a person wants that all his work to be done properly and all his wishes to come true then he should pray this prayer. Once you will start to pray this prayer all your work will be done and you will start to become more and more successful in all the things you do.

Prayer For Farmers:

This prayer is for people who do farming. If your crops are not growing well and there is loss in farming business, then there is no need to worry. Once you will start to pray this prayer the crops will start to grow very well and there will be more crops than before and the business will become very good. More and more people will come and do business with you.

Prayer For Protection:

The person who will pray this prayer will be protected from all sorts of black magic, spells, witchcrafts, evil eyes, ghosts, demons, evil spirits, accidents and from enemies. If somebody has done any evil magic on you then after you start praying this prayer the magic done on you will be destroyed and you will be protected from all sorts of black magic and evil spirits.

Healing Prayer:

If there is any sickness or disease in the body and is not getting cured then after praying this prayer the sickness will start to disappear and the person will start to become healthy and will regain health.

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Carpet With Rosary

The carpet and rosary brings a lot of peace to the person who uses it. If you have lots of tension or stress or you do work that is full of stress, then this carpet helps to release the stress and tension and brings peace in mind and relaxes the person.

The cost of this Mystical Carpet will be US $100 or pounds 90..

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The Mesmerizing Perfume

This MESMERIZING PERFUME is prepared with mystic powers and has got a lot of mesmerizing power to attract any girl towards you. If there is any evil spirit in your body it will run away once the PERFUME is applied on your body. If you will apply this PERFUME and go in front of your boss then he will talk to you very nicely and will be very good and nice with you and you will get promotion. If you want any work to be done just apply this MYSTIC PERFUME and do your work the work will be done.

The cost of this MYSTIC MESMERIZING PERFUME will be US $ 45 or Pounds 35.

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The Mystic High Power Incense Sticks

These MYSTIC INCENSE sticks are prepared with very high powers, which are so powerful that they are beyond the imagination of human being.Once you burn these powerful MYSTIC INCENSE STICKS they will dive away any evil spirit which is around you or the place where you burn them.If anybody has done any black magic on you then that magic will be destroyed and you will protected from all kinds of evil spells and black magic.If there is any bad luck in your office , shops, business centres or any place where you work and no money is coming or the business is not working.When you will burn this MYSTIC INCENSE STICKS your bad luck will be changed to good luck, money will start to come and you will become very successful and rich.If you don’t have peace of mind and have got a lot of tension and you cannot find answers or solutions of your problems or you are not able to solve them, so by burning these powerful MYSTIC INCENSE STICKS then all your tensions will disappear and you will be able to find solutions for your problems and all your problems will be solved.40 powerful INCENSE STICKS will be sent to you on order.

The cost of this MYSTIC INCENSE will be US $55 or Pounds 45.

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The Mystic Healing Magic Bowl

This is the most powerful MYSTIC HEALING BOWL in the whole world which is prepared with mystic powers, MYSTIC words are carved inside the bowl.The person who will drink water from the MYSTIC BOWL will never fall sick, if there is any sickness or disease in the body then the sickness will be cured and the person will become vital and strong.The person will be protected from all kinds of spells, evil magic and accidents .His memory will increase and it will open the psychic energy of the person and the person will get power to see in future.If there are any enemies they will become your friends and will start to respect you and obey you.

The cost of this MYSTIC BOWL is US $75 or Pounds 65.

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The Genie Invocation

With many years of research I have finally found the GENIE INVOCATION SPIRITUAL FORMULA on request of my devotees all around the world.The spiritual formula that had been vanished from the history of spiritual world.People talk a lot about this power but nobody knows the spiritual formula to invoke the Genie but ihave found it with many years of research.So now I want to help the people all around the world so that they can change their lives and live a very successful life.Once the Genie is evoked he will be in the command of the master who has evoked him.Only the master will be able to see him and no one else, he will travel with the master wherever the master goes and do whatever the master tells him to do.He will be very friendly with the master and will do no harm to the master.If I write about the wonders that the GENIE can do I can fill books after books but I am listing just few things.

  1. He will protect the master from all kinds of dangers, accidents, black magic ghosts, evil spirits, witchcrafts, enemieis, devils, demons even no bullet can touch the master.
  2. If anybody tries to do any evil things to the master or enemies try to attack the master he will destroy them and protect the master
  3. He can fly from one end of the world to another in just seconds.
  4. He can tell you about the hidden secrets of the highest mountains and the deepest seas.
  5. Problems which human beings cannot solve he can solve them.
  6. He can give the medicinal cure of any kind of diseases which is incurable.
  7. He can tell you about the things that are going to happen in the future.
  8. He can tell you the hidden places where treasure is hidden and bring it for you.
  9. He will make the master a very successful person
  10. He will do anything that the master tells him just in seconds.

The cost of each The Genie Invocation is US $ 110 or Pounds 100.

The Invocation Of The Genie Of Wealth

The spiritual invocation formula is for all those people who want to be rich and live a luxurious life but are suffering from any years and have got no hope so there is a good news this powerful spiritual formula is for all of you so that you can change your life and see your dream of become a millionaire come true.Once you have the invocation talisman and the mystic spiritual invocation, you will see with your own eyes that money will start to come and will never end the GENIE OF WEALTH will be evoked.Once he is evoked he will start his work of making his master rich he will do all the possible things to make his master rich.Money will start to come to you from places and sources that you might have not even imagined, people will start to come to you and will start to do business with you and many other kinds of things you will not know but money will come to you in some way or another.The GENIE will come to you in humzn form and will give you money that will never end.

The cost of each The Invocation Of The Genie Of Wealth is US $ 110 or Pounds 100.

The Spirit Calling Mystic Formula

This is the most powerful mystic formula for those people who want to call the SPIRITS and talk to them and know about many things, you do not have to do any sacrifice or anything to call the SPIRITS everything will be done by me, you will just have to wear the mystic talisman and call the SPIRITS the way of calling the SPIRITS will be sent to you when you will order.

When you will cast the SPIRITS they will come, you can ask them whatever you want to know and after you have finished they will go.You can call them as many times as you want.There are many things that the spirits can tell you, they can tell you about all the things that you want to know.

You can ask them to guide you in the business so that you know which business is good for you and whether there are going to be any kind of losses in the business.

They can tell you who is your friend and who is your enemy.

If anybody has done any evil magic on you they will tell you who has done it.

They can tell you about any coming dangers and many other things.

The cost of each The Spirit Calling Mystic Formula is US $80 or POUNDS 70.

The Prayer For Protection From Illness And Evil Eyes

This PRAYER helps to protect the person from illness and evil eyes.The person who will read this prayer will be protected from illnesses and evil eyes and can live peacefully.

The cost of each Prayer For Protection is US $ 45 or pounds 35.

The Mystic Potion To Cure Eye Problems

The MYSTIC POTION which is in liquid form is prepared with a lot of MYSTIC POWERS so that people suffering from eye problems will be cured forever.When MYSTIC POTION is applied in the eyes the eyes become powerful.Any kind of eye problem will be cured after you have applied the MYSTIC EYE POTION.

The cost of each The Mystic Potion is US $50 or Pounds 40.

Invocation Of Guardian Of Wealth

The spiritual invocation formula is for all those people who want to be rich and live a luxurious life but are suffering from any years and have got no hope so there is a good news this powerful spiritual formula is for all of you so that you can change your life and see your dream of become a millionaire come true.Once you have the invocation talisman and the mystic spiritual invocation, you will see with your own eyes that money will start to come and will never end the GENIE OF WEALTH will be evoked.Once he is evoked he will start his work of making his master rich he will do all the possible things to make his master rich.Money will start to come to you from places and sources that you might have not even imagined, people will start to come to you and will start to do business with you and many other kinds of things you will not know but money will come to you in some way or another.The GENIE will come to you in humzn form and will give you money that will never end.

The cost of each Invocation Of Guardian Of Wealth is US $120 or pounds 110.

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